Having trouble finding some places? Locations of all murals are next door!
1. Mural „Panorama of the city of Lublin” (Królewska Street 8)

2. Mural „Ikarusy” (Peowiaków Street 13a)

3. Murals at Kaczyński Square

4. Murals at Jasna Street

5. Mural of the regional restaurant (Spokojna Street)

6. Mural of the Carnival of Artists (Zwirki i Wigury Street)

7. Mural dedicated to protests in Belarus (Idygo Radziszewskiego Street)

8. Mural „Poem about the city of Lublin” (Snopkowska Street)

9. Mural „Eastern Wall” (Mieczysławy Ćwiklińska Street)

10. Mural on the building of the public library (Wajdeloty Street)

11. Murals at Juranda Street

12. Mural „Ghetto – Barbed Wire” (Lubartowska Street)

13. Mural „Dwarfs” (Ruska Street)

14. Mural „East of Culture” (Lubartowska Street)

15. Mural „Dream catcher” (Lubartowska Street)

16. Mural „Map” (Lubartowska Street)

17. Mural of the Lublin Festival of Young Cider (Lubartowska Street)

18. Mural on the wall of IV LO (Szkolna Street)

19. Mural „Lublin my holy city” (al. Unie Lubelskiej)

20. Mural „Poem about the city of Lublin” (Królewska Street)

21. Murals on the III LO building

22. Murals at Narutowicz Street

23. Mural at the crossroads of Lipowa and Narutowicz streets

24. Mural „Mosaic” (Józefa Piłsudskiego Avenue)

25. Mural „Entrance of General Zajączek to Lublin” (Zamojska Street)

26. Mural „Old Bronowice” (Bilgorajska Street)

27. Murals at Mełgiewska Street

28. Mural „Lubelskie metro” (Królewska Street)

29. Mural dedicated to Andrzej Kot (Grodzka Street)

30. Mural „window” (Rybna Street)

31. Mural „The Pitcher” (Rybna Street)

32. Mural „Dreams to the Stars” (Cyruliczna Street)

33. Mural – poem „Friends” by Julia Hartwig (Kowalska/Zaułek Hartwigów)

34. Mural „Tenderness of Fish” (Cyruliczna Street)

35. Mural „Music Shop” (Noworybna Street)

36. Mural „Hebrew Scripture” (Rybna Street)

37. Mural on the garages at Pana Balcera Street

38. Mural „Dwarfs” (Pana Balcera Street)

39. Mural at Grażyny Street

40. Mural „Fish” (Grażyny Street)

41. Mural „Rescue Wheel” (Grażyny Street)

42. Mural „Postage stamps” (Grażyny Street)

43. Mural „Butterfly” (at Mojo Restaurant, Idziego Radziszewskiego Street)

44. Mural at V LO (visible from Maria Curie-Skłodowska Street)

45. Mural – poem by Julia Hartwig „Let’s not go” (building V LO, Lipowa Street)

46. Mural Beata Kozidrak (Lipowa Street)

We hope that the above murals will encourage you to further explore, get to know and discover the city, because there are many more places of this type in Lublin.